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ONE in 10 children says squirrels live underground a
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nd one in four believes foxes sleep in trees. And when shown a photograph of an otter, one in three thought it was either a badger, meerkat or a mongoose. A fifth of the children guessed the animal lived in a nest and more than one in 10 said it could be found in caves. The study was carried out by the Organi
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c Milk Suppliers Co-operative, which is sponsor
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ing a new global conservation cub scout badge to help children understand nature. Richard Hampton, from OMSCo, said: Many children have no idea where milk comes from. There is no substitute for experiencing nature first hand. Top Stories Don t Miss Tzjb Drivers warned of common Halloween mistakes that can result in 拢9,000 worth of fines
Union membership among young workers today is incredibly low. Industrial action scholars speak of a worldwide trend towards the so-called de-unionisation of the y
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oung. In 1980 80% of the British workforce was covered by collective bargaining between employers and unio
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ns. By the 2000s, that figure had fallen to around 30%. And the numbers have kept falling, in particular for young people. UK government statistics show that in 2021, only 4.3% of 16 to 24-year-old workers were members of a union. This figure rose to 19.8% for the 25 to 34 category. In their introduction to the 2015 compendium, Young Workers and Trade Unions: A Global View, scholars Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos explain that it s not so much that young professionals view unions more negatively than their older counterparts. Rather, they tend to work in jobs and industries where union representation doesn t exist. Crucially, for the most part, they do not know wh
at unions are, what they do 鈥?and what they have done to ch