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According to the research, corporal punishment during adolescence is associated with an increase in neural sensitivity to making errors and a decrease in neural sensitivity to receiving rewards.It is generally advised not to spank children due to the negative consequences that have been l
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inked to corporal punishment in decades of research. These consequences include a decline in adolescent health and negative
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impacts on behavior, such as an increased risk for anxiety and depression. A recent study has examined how corporal punishment may affect neural systems and lead to these adverse effects.Corporal punishment involves intentionally causing physical pain for the purposes of punishment, correction, discipline, instruction, or any other reason. This type of violence, particularly when inflicted by a parent, can elicit a complex emotional response. Researchers
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at Florida State University, led by Kreshnik Burani and Greg Hajcak, sought to understand the neural processes underlying this e Zxkp Saascoms Relaunch
Hewlett Packard Enterprise opens new regional HQ in Singapore, also announces program to accelerate local startupsHewlett Packard Enterprise 39 s (HPE) new Asia Pacific and Japan headquarter building was officially opened this morning by HPE CEO Meg Whitman and EDB Chairman Dr. Beh.The new sprawling campus will serve as a regional HQ for HPE and will house sales, operations, R amp D, marketing, supply chain and logistics, and even manufacturing facilities.Along with the opening of the new headquarters, HPE also announced a new program called InnovateNext, which is an incubator that is in collaboration with EDB thataims to partner with local tech startups to ideate, co-innovate, an
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d commercialize new technologies.The InnovateNext program will take place over the next three years and will see HPE inves
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ting up to US$16 million.As part
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of this program, HPE and EDB will select 12 startups with the ultimate goal of being able to develop a solution that will be market viable around the world