Is your windshield equipped with a forward facing camera?
We made a video back in 2014 of how a windshield is professionally replaced.
The heavy carbon steel frame was replaced by one made of lighter alloy.
Tree sap can be one of the messiest, most difficult
substances you’ll ever have to remove from your car’s
windshield. This happens quickly during certain times of the year when trees are losing leaves,
releasing pollen, or worst of all, dripping tree sap.
Musk said on investor day last week that the car would
be delivered this year - about two years later than he'd first predicted.
In that case, the last resort is to replace the windshield.
In that case, you will either need to purchase a pre-made armored
car, or you will need to take your car to a company that specializes in custom armoring.
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Car glass - KACA MOBIL